If you've been around before, you'll notice that I have a shiny new blog layout. Look left! You can follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. (I loooove Pinterest, and Instagram is so fun! Join me there to see what makes me really tick! Ha!) Mouse over a picture! See that shiny new "Pin It" button? I'd be ever so glad if you pinned some of your favorite images!
Now that's out of the way - a post! I've come back to my blog because I'm doing some extensive portfolio review and I'm feeling nostalgic. Plus, things are really picking up now that we are fairly settled in Texas, our oldest is off to school in the fall, and I have so many gorgeous sessions to share with you.
This is my very last session in Turkey, oh so many
At the time, we only had one kiddo, and these cuties were turning one and three years old Can't wait to see what our five- and three-year-olds get up to! (Plus an extra who's almost two!) We had a lot of fun with these Birthday cakes - little guy looked a bit like Godzilla stomping all over that awesomely huge number 1!
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